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Bitwise operators

Before looking at Bitwise operators, we need to understand first Logical values vs. single bits.

Logical operators take their arguments as a whole regardless of how many bits they contain. The operators are aware only of the value: zero (when all the bits are reset) means False; not zero (when at least one bit is set) means True.

The result of their operations is one of these values: False or True. This means that this snippet will assign the value True to the j variable if i is not zero; otherwise, it will be False.

i = 1

j = not not i


There are four operators that allow you to manipulate single bits of data. They are called bitwise operators.

They cover all the operations we mentioned before in the logical context, and one additional operator. This is the xor (as in exclusive or) operator, and is denoted as ^ (caret). Here are all of them:

  • & (ampersand) - bitwise conjunction;

  • | (bar) - bitwise disjunction;

  • ~ (tilde) - bitwise negation;

  • ^ (caret) - bitwise exclusive or (xor).


Let's make it easier:

  • & requires exactly two 1s to provide 1 as the result;

  • | requires at least one 1 to provide 1 as the result;

  • ^ requires exactly one 1 to provide 1 as the result.


I am John Fan Zhang, a data analyst and finance researcher. I hold a PhD in finance, CFA charter and full membership of CFA New Zealand Society. I have fifteen-year experience in corporate investment and eight-year experience in advanced data analysis. My research focuses on the effect of social psychology (culture) on financial decisions. Finance research involves heaps of data analyses that lead me to the data field. I am a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Data Management and Analytics (Excel, Power BI, and SQL). Aside from Excel, Power BI and SQL, I am also familiar with econometric tools such as Stata, Eviews, and MATLAB. I use OX and Python for programming. I am an active data community event participant, volunteer, speaker, moderator, program reviewer, including PASS Marathon 2020, Global AI BootCamp Auckland 2019, SQL Saturday Auckland (2017, 2018, 2019), and Definity Conference (2018, 2019, 2020, Auckland, New Zealand).

Auckland, New Zealand

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