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end=, sep=, +, *, and /

Python’s print() function comes with a parameter called ‘end’. By default, the value of this parameter is ‘\n’, i.e. the new line character. You can end a print statement with any character/string using this parameter. =>

print("Welcome to" , end = ' ')

print("GeeksforGeeks", end = ' ')

Output => Welcome to GeeksforGeeks

print("Python" , end = '@')


Output => Python@GeeksforGeeks


The separator between the arguments to print() function in Python is space by default (softspace feature) -- one space. The ‘sep=’ is used to achieve different types of spaces. Examples: #code for disabling the softspace feature print('G','F','G', sep='') #for formatting a date print('09','12','2016', sep='-') #another example print('pratik','geeksforgeeks', sep='@') Output: GFG 09-12-2016 pratik@geeksforgeeks


The 'sep=' used with 'end=' produces awesome results. print('G','F', sep='', end='') print('G') #\n provides new line after printing the year print('09','12', sep='-', end='-2016\n') print('prtk','agarwal', sep='', end='@') print('geeksforgeeks') Output: GFG 09-12-2016 prtkagarwal@geeksforgeeks


The + (plus) sign, when applied to two strings, becomes a concatenation operator: string + string Examples: fnam = input("May I have your first name, please? ") lnam = input("May I have your last name, please? ") print("Thank you.") print("\nYour name is " + fnam + " " + lnam + ".")

The last line is the same with print("\nYour name is", fnam, lnam + ".", sep=" ")

It is also the same with

print("\nYour name is", end=" ") print(fnam, lnam+".", sep=" ")


The * (asterisk) sign, when applied to a string and number (or a number and string, as it remains commutative in this position) becomes a replication operator: string * number or number * string

For example:

  • "James" * 3 gives "JamesJamesJames"

  • 3 * "an" gives "ananan"

  • 5 * "2" (or "2" * 5) gives "22222" (not 10!)

A number less than or equal to zero produces an empty string.

Try this simple program to "draws" a rectangle

print("+" + 10 * "-" + "+")

print(("|" + " " * 10 + "|\n") * 5, end="")

print("+" + 10 * "-" + "+")


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