Locking behavior
There are various resources for learning SQL Lock behavior, including https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2008-r2/ms186396(v=sql.105)?redirectedfrom=MSDN , https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2008-r2/ms175519(v=sql.105)?redirectedfrom=MSDN , and an excellent article by Nikola Dimitrijevic https://bit.ly/39swWJf .
1. Locking hierarchy
The lock hierarchy starts with the database at the highest hierarchy level and down via table and page to the row at the lowest level. Essentially, there is always a shared lock on the database level that is imposed whenever a transaction is connected to a database.
Essentially, there is always a shared lock on the database level that is imposed whenever a transaction is connected to a database. Shared (S) locks are used for read operations that do not change or update data, such as a SELECT statement.
When a SELECT statement is issued to read some data, a shared lock (S) will be imposed on the database level, an intent shared lock (IS) will be imposed on the table and on the page level, and a shared lock (S) on the row itself, as follows,

Intent (it is written as intention as above) locks are used to establish a lock hierarchy. For example, when an intent shared lock (IS) is acquired it indicates to SQL Server that the transaction has the intention to read some lower hierarchy resources by acquiring shared locks (S) individually on those resources lower in the hierarchy
In case of a DML statement (i.e. insert, update, delete) a shared lock (S) will be imposed on the database level, an intent exclusive lock (IX) or intent update lock (IU) will be imposed on the table and on the page level, and an exclusive or update lock (X or U) on the row.

When an intent exclusive lock (IX) is acquired it indicates to SQL Server that the transaction has the intention to modify some of lower hierarchy resources by acquiring exclusive (X) locks individually on those lower hierarchy resources.
The intent update lock (IU) can be acquired only at the page level and as soon as the update operation takes place, it converts to the intent exclusive lock (IX).
Locks will always be acquired from the top to the bottom as in that way SQL Server is preventing a so-called Race condition to occur.
2. Lock Compatibility
Lock compatibility controls whether multiple transactions can acquire locks on the same resource at the same time.
If a resource is already locked by another transaction, a new lock request can be granted only if the mode of the requested lock is compatible with the mode of the existing lock.
If the mode of the requested lock is not compatible with the existing lock, the transaction requesting the new lock waits for the existing lock to be released or for the lock timeout interval to expire. The following table shows the compatibility of the most commonly encountered lock modes.

Shared with intent exclusive (SIX) – when acquired, this lock indicates that the transaction intends to read all resources at a lower hierarchy and thus acquire the shared lock on all resources that are lower in hierarchy, and in turn, to modify part of those, but not all. In doing so, it will acquire an intent exclusive (IX) lock on those lower hierarchy resources that should be modified. In practice, this means that once the transaction acquires a SIX lock on the table, it will acquire intent exclusive lock (IX) on the modified pages and exclusive lock (X) on the modified rows.
Only one shared with intent exclusive lock (SIX) can be acquired on a table at a time and it will block other transactions from making updates, but it will not prevent other transactions to read the lower hierarchy resources they can acquire the intent shared (IS) lock on the table.
3. Lock escalation
Without escalation, locks could require a significant amount of memory resources.
Let’s take an example where a lock should be imposed on the 30,000 rows of data, where each row is 500 bytes in size, to perform the delete operation. Without escalation, a shared lock (S) will be imposed on the database, 1 intent exclusive lock (IX) on the table, 1,875 intent exclusive locks (IX) on the pages (8KB page hold 16 rows of 500 bytes, which makes 1,875 pages that hold 30,000 rows) and 30,000 exclusive locks (X) on the rows itself. As each lock is 96 bytes in size, 31,877 locks will take about 3 MB of memory for a single delete operation. Running large number of operations in parallel could require some significant resources just to ensure that locking manager can perform the operation smoothly.
In order to prevent a situation where locking is using too many resources, SQL Server has introduced the lock escalation feature. By default, SQL Server will always escalate to the table level directly, which mean that escalation to the page level never occurs. Instead of acquiring numerous rows and pages lock, SQL Server will escalate to the exclusive lock (X) on a table level.
While this will reduce the need for resources, exclusive locks (X) in a table mean that no other transaction will be able to access locked table and all queries trying to access that table will be blocked. Therefore, this will reduce system overhead but will increase the probability of concurrency contention. In order to provide control over the escalation, starting with SQL Server 2008 R2, the LOCK_EXCALATION option is introduced as part of the ALTER TABLE statement:
USE AdventureWorks2014
ALTER TABLE Table_name
