DMVs for SQL Database
SQL Database is the Azure version of SQL server. We can use the following DMVs to monitor SQL Database performance:
Count successful and failed connections. The count of failed connections is the sum of login failures, terminated connections, and throttled connections.
Get the resource consumption percentages for CPU, data IO, and log IO. It returns one row for every 15 seconds, even when there is no activity in the database. For less granular data, you can use sys.resource_stats in the logical master database for your server.
In combination with sys.dm_exec_sql_text, find queries that use a lot of resources, such as CPU time or IO.
Discover blocked queries.
Find issues such as deadlocking and throttling over the last 30 days. You must have permission to read the master database on the Azure server. As an example, you can search for specific types of events, such as deadlocks or throttle events, and when they occurred, as follows,
SELECT Event_Category, Event_Type, Event_Subtype_Desc, Event_Count, Description, Start_Time FROM sys.event_log WHERE
Event_Type = 'deadlock' OR Event_Type like 'throttling%'
