Database Throughput Unit (DTU)
A DTU is a single metric to represent CPU, memory, and IO thresholds. In other words, Queries' performance levels are measured as DTUs which represent CPU, memory, and IO thresholds.
In SQL Query Store, the Resource Consuming Queries tab lists the queries consuming the most resources for the last 24 hours. The top of this section shows a line chart that by default shows the percentage of CPU over time consumed by various queries.

When you scroll down this page, you can view the average CPU, Data IO, Log IO,duration, and execution count for the top 5 queries for a table. Taken together, Resource Consuming Queries chart showing Overall DTU and DTU components consumption.

When you select the type of SQL Database to implement, you choose a service tier along with a performance level. The service tier sets the maximum database size while the performance level determines the amount of CPU, memory, and IO thresholds which collectively are measured as a DTU.
Basic: Maximum database size 2 GB / pero5 DTUs;
Standard: maximum database size of 250 GB / 10 - 100 DTUs;
Premium: maximum database size of 1 TB / 125 - 4,000 DTUs.
Query Performance Insight is an Azure SQL Database features that graphically shows you which queries are consuming the most CPU, memory, IO, and DTU resources over time.
It is also noteworthy that sys.dm_exec_query_stats, in combination with sys.dm_exec_sql_text, find queriesthat use a lot of resources, such as CPU time or IO. However, sys.dm_exec_query_stats does not show the overall DTU.
