Automatic statistics updates
Statistics are generated when you add an index to a table that contains data or when you run the UPDATE STATISTICS command. In most cases, as illustrated by the previous example, you should allow SQL Server to create and update statistics automatically by setting one of the following database options, each of which is enabled by default:
AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS SQL Server updates statistics automatically as needed. It determines an update is necessary by using a counter on modifications to column values. This counter is incremented when a row is inserted or deleted or when an indexed column is updated. The counter is reset to 0 when the statistics are generated. When it does this, it acquires compile locks and query plans might require recompilation. You can disable this option by using the sp_autostats system stored procedure.
AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC When it is enabled, SQL Server updates statistics asynchronously. That is, SQL Server uses a background thread so as not to block query execution. In this case, the query optimizer might choose a less than optimal query execution plan until the statistics are updated. Use the ALTERDATABASE T-SQL command to disable this option.
AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS During query execution, SQL Server creates statistics on individual columns in query predicates to help the query optimizer improve query plans. Use the ALTER DATABASE T-SQL command to disable this option.
Even when statistics are set to update automatically, SQL Server does not update statistics unless one of the following thresholds is met:
One or more rows is added to an empty table.
More than 500 rows are added to a table having fewer than 500 rows.
More than 500 rows are added to a table having more than 500 rows and the numberof rows added is more than a dynamic percentage of total rows. With a small table under 25,000 rows, this percentage is around 20 percent. As the number of rows inthe table increases, the percentage rate that triggers a statistics update is lower. For example, SQL Server updates statistics for a table with 1 billion rows when more than 1 million changes occur, or 0.1 percent. Prior to SQL Server 2016, this threshold was fixed at 20 percent of the original total number of rows in the table which means that 200 million rows were required to trigger an update of statistics.
You can check to see if SQL Server automatically created statistics in a database by checking the value of the auto_created column in the sys.stats catalog view,
Use WideWorldImporters; GO
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS ObjectName, name, auto_created FROM sys.stats WHERE auto_created = 1 AND object_id IN
(SELECT object_id FROM sys.objects WHERE type = 'U');
To check the last time the statistics were updated for each statistics object in a table, you can use the STATS_DATE system function. As an alternative, you can use the sys.dm_db_stats_properties DMV to get row counts and modifications occurring since the last statistics update in addition to the last update date.
SELECT name AS ObjectName, STATS_DATE(object_id, stats_id) AS UpdateDate FROM sys.stats WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('Sales.Customers');
